Monday, January 4, 2010

The Giza Pyramids Indicate the Year 2012

Credit to Scott Creighton ( for this excellent research.

The following information was founded by researcher, Scott Creighton who has made a significant finding through the Giza Pyramids and the Sphinx to come up with a timeline indication that culminates to 2012. In Mr. Creighton's own words, the Giza plateau is an "astronomical timing device - a clock/calendar based upon the precessional movement of the belt stars of the Orion constellation."

Below are his findings in regards to this discovery:

Through my years of research into the structures at Giza, it seems that what the ancients have provided for us at Giza is an astronomical timing device - a clock/calendar based upon the precessional movement of the belt stars of the Orion constellation. It is not my intention or desire here to enter into another debate that the Giza Pyramids are or are not a symbolic representation of Orion. Over the years I have shown through many previous presentations that there is good evidence to support the view that the Gizamids are indeed representative of the Belt stars as first proposed by Massey and later expanded upon by Cocteau and more recently, Robert Bauval. If you still are not convinced of this hypothesis then this thread is not for you.

It must also be said here that the date 2012 as presented by the Gizamids should not imply that the AEs and Mayans shared their knowledge. What is being said is that they may have learned of the same cycle independently much in the same way disparate ancient cultures/civilisations around the globe would have independently found ways of recording the length of a year (some doing it better than others).

The two pivotal dates encoded into the Giza Pyramids utilising the precessional cycle of Orion's Belt stars are presented thus:

(Note: Diagram plan of Giza from The Giza Plateau Mapping Project}

Slide 1:

In Slide 1 (above) we circumscribe the Giza Pyramid field with a circle by locating the 3 most outer points of the Gizamids (points 1,2 & 4). Quite remarkably by connecting these 3 points with a circle we find the Sphinx ends up sitting right on the circle's perimeter. It is important to understand that these 3 points are NOT arbitrary points - they have the common factor of being the 3 most outer points of the Giza pyramids. Whilst any 3 non-linear points will define a circle of a particular size, it is much less likely that any 4 points will do so. To then find the Sphinx sitting precisely on the circle's circumference tells us that this circle is more likely to be intentional design. You can try this for yourself by throwing 3 stones randomly to the ground and connecting them in a circle with a piece of string - you will ALWAYS find a circle for your 3 random points. Now try throwing 4 stones a connect them in a circle with a length of string and you will find it extremely difficult. By placing the Sphinx precisely on the circle's perimeter the ancients are telling us that the circle is intentional and further, that there is a connection between the Sphinx and the 3 points that define the circle.

Slide 2:

In Slide 2 (above) notice the 10 GREEN DOTS along the blue diagonal. This NE/SW diagonal on the Giza plateau was first observed in the 1980s by Egyptologist, Dr Mark Lehner. Finding these structures aligned along this diagonal tells us also that this 'Lehner Line' is also INTENTIONAL (like the circle). Notice also how the diagonal cuts through 2 Queen's pyramids, connecting them like an axis. This is most important.

Slide 3:

In Slide 3 (above) we can see that the Sphinx is perfectly aligned to the midpoint of the 'Lehner Line'

Slide 4:

Slide 5:

Slide 5 (above) shows how the Queen's Pyramid of Menkaure are aligned with the minimum culmination of the Orion's Belt stars c.10,460 BCE. This is one of 2 unique moments in the precession of the Belt Stars when they seem to stop moving across the horizon, turn and move in the opposite direction.

Slide 6:

Slide 6 (above) shows how the Queen's Pyramid of Khufu are aligned with the maximum culmination of the Orion's Belt stars c.2,500 CE. This is the second of 2 unique moments in the precession of the Belt Stars when they again seem to stop moving across the horizon, turn and move in the opposite direction. Just like a clock's pendulum.

You can see more on this here: The Precession of Orions Queens.

Slide 7:

Slide 7 (above) shows how the 2 sets of Queens are connected by the 'Lehner Line'. These 2 sets of Qhueens depict the min & max culminations of the belt stars from c.10,460 BCE to c.2,500 CE - a total of some 12,960 years. As we can see now, the so-called 'Lehner Line' is actually a TIMELINE. Just like a clock's face has a timeline of 12 hours (x2), the Giza timeline lasts some 12,960 years.

Slide 8:

Slide 8 (above) shows the halway point date of 3,980 BCE. This is easily calculated since we know the timeline is 12,960 years halfway would be a total of 6,480 years. We subtract this value from the min culmination of the belt stars (i.e. from 10,460 BCE) to arrive at the date 3,980 BCE.

As we will now see, the ancients cleverly used the intentional circle with the intentional timeline to indicate 2 specific dates on the timeline as follows:

Slide 9:

Slide 10:

Slide 11:

Slide 12:

Slide 13:

Slide 13 (above) shows the second line connected from the Sphinx. Again this line intersects the timeline at a very specific location (date).

Slide 14:

Slide 14 (above) shows the 2 dates the 2 lines intersect on the timeline - c.9,700 BCE when Atlantis allegedly sank and the Mayan 5th sun end date of c.2,012 CE.